Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Autumn 2010

Moustache Talk is pleased to introduce it's first collection!

Autumn 2010 features three simple and sweet lip loving designs.  Remember that all products are hand printed on 100% organic cotton and that 5% of every product sold goes to charity.  Tempted?

Price:  $30 CDN + shipping 
To order:

Autumn 2010: Details and Colours

Want a closer look? Here are detailed views of our Autumn 2010 collection as well as available colours and sizes.  (click on t-shirt image to enlarge)

* Hand printed on 100% organic cotton 
* 5% of all items sold going to charity
* Available in white, black, natural and cinder (S, M, L)

$30 CDN +shipping.

To order:  



Isn't it time you wore a stache?

Coming Soon...

This is just the beginning.  There's a whole lot more moustaches on the horizon.  Here's a look at what's to come.

Stay tuned for more moustache.  
Same moustache time. Same moustache channel.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Moustache Talk: Beginning to Sprout

The first hairs have sprouted.  My bare and naked lip is beginning to transform. What was once smooth and baby-bottom like, is now taking on a new shape.  True, just a start, my stache being best described as 'mini' or 'that belonging to a middle-school aged boy', a moustache is indeed forming.  And that my friends is something to talk about!

So what exactly am I talking about anyways?  What is all this talk about moustaches?  And, why are they on everyone's lips?  I'm talking about Moustache Talk, an ethical, feel-good provider of moustache themed paraphernalia.  As a brand in development, each hair brings us one step closer to the bushy, upper-lip oasis to which we aspire.  And, this past weekend, some serious hairs were sprouted as I took my first steps in learning the fine art of the screen print.  You see, Moustache Talk's aim is to cultivate a brand where we not only look good but feel good doing it.  This warm, sometimes ticklish, feeling comes from the knowledge that all Moustache Talk's products are hand-printed on North-American produced organic cotton.  And that's not all!  In addition to our quality, quirkiness and cache, we at Moustache Talk always remember the world beyond as 5% of all products sold goes to supporting local, community-based charities.

So c'mon, let's get excited about moustaches.  It's time we give moustaches the respect they deserve!

Moustache Talk: "It's on everyone's lips"